Join the Movement

Would you like to offer your old homeschool books, curriculum, or other homeschooling necessities to another homeschool family who needs them?

Do you need curriculum, books, or other necessities for your homeschool?

Simply put in a request for membership at the Facebook group Homeschool Curriculum Free for Shipping.  Before joining, PLEASE be sure to read the group's description.  

Also, sign up for email updates (<----- look in the left sidebar here) about the organization.  You will be notified of group news, events, and upcoming goals for the organization, including occasional opportunities to apply for completely free, brand new curriculum (as sponsors begin to offer them).  

At this time, we are not accepting applications for needs to be fulfilled through this website, or in any other manner other than the Facebook group, but I hope that will soon change as businesses and curriculum publishers notice us and consider donating.  For now, though, those wishing to receive items must join the Facebook group and follow the group's posted guidelines for participation.

One of our volunteer moderators will accept you real soon.  Thanks for joining!